
Seeking your valuable vote for a candidate who works for the betterment of the organization Vote for a candidate who will be the voice of common members in managing committee as Joint Secretary AIOS I request your valuable vote for a candidate with extensive experience working in various organizations at the top post Dr. Prakash Marathe Mobile: 9823071292, email: Practicing in Pune for the last 37 years Experience in various Organizations  All India Ophthalmological Society Managing Committee Member, AIOS Member, AIOS HQ Development Committee Member, Legal Cell, International Society of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgeons (ISMSICS) Chairman, Maharashtra State Chapter of ISMSICS, Part & Faculty at Australia NZ chapter launching at RANZCO Brisbane, 2022 Maharashtra Ophthalmological Society President, MOS (2016-17) Advisor MOS, Vice President, MOS Hon Secretary, MOS Hon. Jt. Secretary, MOS Co Opted Member, MOS Zonal Member, MOS Organising Secretary MOSCON Pune                 Poona Ophthalmological Society Trustee President (2021-2024) President POS (2009-10), Advisor, POS, Vice President, POS (2008-09), Hon. Treasurer, POS- 2 years (2006-08), Hon. Secretary, POS- 2 years (2000-02), Editor Journal POSTER, POS (1999-2000), MC Member, POS- 2 years (1998-2000), Co-Opted Member, POS (1997-98), Organising Chairman, POSCON 2009 (Diamond Jubilee Year),  Organising Secretary MOSCON 2011, Recipient of POS Late Dr. Asha Kelkar Award 2022                 Indian Medical Association – HQ New Delhi Convenor, Standing Committee, Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy Blindness,  Past Chairman, Project Detection of Congenital Blindness (ROP), Regular CWC Member IMA HQ, New Delhi since many years. Recipient of President’s Appreciation Award, National IMA HQ (2017-18) (2021-22), Indian Medical Association – Maharashtra State Past Senior Vice President, IMA Maharashtra State Hon Secretary, Social Security Scheme  IMA Maharashtra State,  Hon. Joint Secretary, IMA Maharashtra State (2017-18) Recipient of “President’s Appreciation Award”, IMA Maharashtra State in (2013, 2014, 2018, 2020, 2021). Member Election Commission, IMA Maharashtra State (2015-17)  Executive Council Member IMA CGP Maharashtra State- 1 year (2013-14) Indian Medical Association – Pune Branch Trustee (2021-26), President, IMA Pune (2017-18), President Elect, IMA Pune (2016-17), Vice President, IMA Pune (2015-16), Treasurer, IMA Pune – 1 year (2014-15), Hon. Secretary, IMA Pune- 2 years (2012-14), Jt. Secretary IMA Pune- 1 year (2011-12), Organizing Chairman- MULTICON 2017, Organising Secretary- WHCON 2012, IDCON 2012& 2013, AMSCON 2013, GPCON 2013, Treasurer- MASTACON 2014.